Looking for a mate online? What if you approached the job as if you were a casting director? It`s an idea that may be just crazy enough to work.
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On Sunday, a speaker at Neumann University is giving college students tips on dating safely, and appropriately.
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Have you ever gotten one of those texts with dating tips, weight loss advice or horoscope info, and brushed it off as spam? Well you may want to check your cell phone bill: you may have been& ...
The new season of It`s Always Sunny in Philadelphia premieres tonight, so why not watch this Cheers-style intro for the show from the OfficialComedy YouTube channel? .... The youngest Jonas is dating a beauty queen.
Looking for a mate online? What if you approached the job as if you were a casting director? It`s an idea that may be just crazy enough to work.
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